CSE687 - Object Oriented Design

Lecture #27 - Managed C++

Revised: 4/28/2011
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Lecture #01 Lecture #02 Lecture #03 Lecture #04 Lecture #05 Lecture #06 Lecture #07
Lecture #08 Lecture #09 Lecture #10 Lecture #11 Lecture #12 Lecture #13 Lecture #14
Lecture #15 Lecture #16 Lecture #17 Lecture #18 Lecture #19 Lecture #20 Lecture #21
Lecture #22 Lecture #23 Lecture #24 Lecture #25 Lecture #26 Lecture #27 Lecture #28

Contents Syllabus SG - Design SG - Templates SG - Class Relationships

Web Resources:

Stroustrup's Home Page, Assoc. of C/C++ Users, C++ at Microsoft, Code Project, Sells Brothers, Guru of the Week, C/C++ User's Journal, devCentral, Dr. Dobb's Journal, Boost Library, techNetCast

Office Hours:Instructor & TAs


This lecture focuses on .Net managed C++.
  1. Syllabus
    Describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Project #4a - Source Code Repository
    Project #4b - Testbed using Reflection
    Project #4c - Directory File Synchronizer
  3. Midterm Makeup
  4. Base64 encoding now takes byte array
  5. Project #4 Help - C++ WinForms Demo
  6. Tale of Two Object Models
  7. Managed C++
  8. Design Rules
    Design rules and idioms that transcend Object Oriented Design.
  9. Lecture #27 folder
    Contains a page of links to presentations and code discussed in this class. The Lecture folders will occasionally hold physical files of interest as well. Usually, however, all the materials of interest to the class are in the presentations and code folders. The contents of these folders will grow as you progress through the course.