CSE687 - Object Oriented Design

Design Note #6
Distinguish between Construction, Unit, and Regression Testing

Revised: 4/28/2011
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Design Note #6:

There are many kinds of tests conducted during the development of a large system. In Software Studio we discuss Contruction, Unit, Stress, Validation, Qualification, and Regression testing. In this note we focus on three:
Construction, Unit, and Regression tests
These are the ones you will most often encounter as a developer.

Conclusions for: Distinguish between Construction, Unit, and Regression Testing

There are many different kinds of testing. The most important for developers are:
  1. Construction tests: small, quick tests you implement as you build. The goal is to have your code working anytime you aren't actively changing it.
  2. Unit tests: detailed debugger based testing on a single package, run under a test procedure with prediction of results. It's goal is to make correct operation quite likely.
  3. Regression tests: automated testing of large parts of a developing baseline, perhaps all, that build many different configurations to run in all the environments the final product will encounter. These tests log all build and run-time errors, and are triggered whenever new code is added to the test environment.