Lecture #2 - Web Programming with Static Pages

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript6 - focus on HTML5

Web Resources
Static Pages W3schools.com, MDN, htmldog.com, TutorialRepublic References, tutorialspoint library
Microsoft Documentation, okta.com blog
Definition HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a language for structuring content on a web page. It is based on Elements that have opening and closing tags and bodies with content.
  <htmltag>              <!-- any of the standard html tags, e.g., div -->
    <custom-childtag>    <!-- a user defined tag with some semantic meaning -->
      "literal text"
  • The HTML5 standard requires that all custom tags are hypenated, as shown above, to avoid clashes with future standard tags.
  • A body, everything between opening and closing tags, may consist of text or markup or both.
Tutorials Tutorial - w3schools.com, Tutorial - tutorialspoint.com, Introduction - MDN, HTML5 Tutorial
References HTML5 Reference - w3schools.com, HTML Reference - MDN, htmlreference.io
HTML tag reference, HTML global attributes, HTML event attributes
HTML5 Tags - tutorialspoint.com
Understanding html5test.com, html5-demos run with Chrome, HTML5 Canvas demos
Semantic Markup Pragmatic value of semantic markup
Building Things FileSystem APIs - html5rocks.com, FileSystem - MDN, Intro to File and Directory Entries API - MDN, File API - w3.org


This lecture is an introduction to the implementation of static web pages. Here, we survey fundamentals of web development: We will focus most intently on HTML ver 5.22, but will also quickly introduce Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3)3 and JavaScript (ES6)4.
  1. European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA)
  2. HTML ver 5.2
  3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3), CSS3 - MDN
  4. JavaScript (ES6)
  1. Syllabus describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Projects: Final Project #1, Final Project #2, Final Project #3
    You will do one of these - the choice of which is yours to make - and present on the last day of classes.
    Additional Requirements
    You are expressly requested to refrain from using site editors like Wix, web.com, or other web designers. You may use any of the facilities of Visual Studio or any other text editor of your choice. This same rule applies to your lab submissions as well. For your Final Project demos you will be required to use only page links for navigation. You may host and demonstrate your labs in the built-in Visual Studio web server.
    All projects must use:
    • Asp.net core MVC - main site
    • Asp.net Web API - web service
    • Web API Client
    • SQL db storage
    • At least one static page that uses new features of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript6.
  3. Static Web Pages:
  4. HTML5 - definition HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a language for structuring content on a web page. It is based on Elements that have opening and closing tags and bodies with content.
      <htmltag>              <!-- any of the standard html tags, e.g., div -->
        <custom-childtag>    <!-- a user defined tag with some semantic meaning -->
          "literal text"
    • The HTML5 standard requires that all custom tags are hypenated, as shown above, to avoid clashes with future standard tags.
    • A body, everything between opening and closing tags, may consist of text or markup or both.
    • HTML5.2 is the latest standard version.
    show page source in new window - Compare rendering with its markup.
  5. HTML5 - document structure
    HTML pages have the structure:
      <!DOCTYPE html>  <!-- this declaration tells the browser that this is HTML5 -->
          The head element may contain information for rendering
          but is not, itself, rendered (displayed in page).
          metadata elements provide:
            - a title displayed in browser tab
            - information used by search engines
            - links to JavaScript files
            - links to CSS Style Sheets
            local JavaScript code
            local CSS style definitions
        <!-- here is where rendering starts -->
          content elements
  6. HTML   - flow
    HTML elements come in three flavors:
    • Block elements, like <div>, have property display:block. They are boxes that stack vertically in their parent element's box. Each box has an outer margin box, in which is nested a border, then padding box, then content - like matryoshka dolls.
    • Inline elements, like <span>, have property display:inline and flow left-to-right across their parent's content box, wrapping as needed to display their entire contents. They don't have the properties: height, width, margin-top, or margin-bottom.
    • Inline-block elements have property display:inline-block and behave like inline elements, except that they honor height, width, and all margin properties.
    These element properties define what is call HTML Flow. As you alter the size of a page, you see the contents flowing to match the current size of the window. There are three things that alter this flow model:
    • Elements that have the property position:absolute are removed from the flow. Their positions are defined by properties: top, bottom, left, right, and z-index. Elements with absolute positioning are likely to be overwritten (or underwritten) by content when the page size changes, and so are likely to lead to fragile designs.
    • Elements that have position:fixed are fixed relative to the browser client area (viewport). Their positions are defined by properties: top, bottom, left, and right, z-index. This site uses a menu fixed to the top of the viewport and a footer fixed to the bottom.
    • Elements that have property float: left, or float: right, move to the left or right side of their container's box. Content flows around them, so are less fragile than absolute positioning.
  7. HTML5 - attributes
    Attribute Example Applies to
    id <div id="placeholder"> ... </div> all elements
    style <div style="height:1.5em; width:10em; background-color:cornsilk;"</div> all elements
    title title="hover over me to see tooltip" all elements
    href: <a href="cse686L2.htm">this page</a> anchors
    target <a href="cse686L2.htm" target="_blank">this page in another tab</a> anchors
    src and alt <img src="campus-strip.jpg" alt="view of quad"> images
    height and width <img src="campus-strip.jpg" height="200" width="1200"> all block elements
    lang <html lang="en-US"> ... </html> html element
    There are more element specific attributes. Consult Dr. Google for the element you're customizing.
  8. HTML5 - references
  9. HTML5 features:
    Semantic markup
    Markup tags with names indicating their uses on a page. <header>
    - - - - - - - - - - masthead or introductory material
    wrapper for main content
    areas of content with single focus
    self-contained content,e.g., a blog article
    sidebar content, e.g., references
    navigation links, e.g., menu
    photos or diagrams
    caption for figure
    drawing area, e.g., iframe, span, svg, textarea, ..., using canvas scripting API
    bottom content, e.g., copyright(c) notice
    Local Storage
    Provides a cookie-like storage mechanism, but isn't limited to 4KB. Here's an example from this site that saves the state of navkeys, the buttons you see at the bottom right of this page (if they are toggled on).
    To see JavaScript using Local Storage follow this link: scripts menu.js -> scroll to bottom Local Storage Reference
    The HTML5 Canvas is a drawing region with commands, based on SVG, to draw diagrams. Canvas reference - w3schools.com, Canvas API - MDN
    File API
    File API enables JavaScript to load and process files from a "sandboxed" local file system. File API Reference
    Reusable parts that provide custom capabilities for web pages. There is an evolving web standard for components: There are also widely used non-standard libraries that enable building custom components: Finally, you can build your own "components" using custom html tags and JavaScript.
    This site does that in a number of places. For example, navkeys - those buttons on the lower right in this page (if they are toggled on) - were built by defining:
    • markup using custom tags - right-click this page and select "View Page Source". Then scroll down, looking for <navkeyscontainer>
    • CSS styles for those tags - StylesMenu.css - scroll to bottom and look for navKeysContainer { ... } and navKey { ... } styles.
    • JavaScript that handles events for the tagged elements - ScriptsMenu.js -> scroll to bottom.
  10. Demos of static programming models:
  11. Web Server Page Models:
  12. References: - opens in new tab
  13. Lab #2