Project #1 - Personal Website

Version 1.2


Project Resources:

Asp.Net Core Introduction to Asp.Net Core - MSDN, Razor Pages Tutorial - MSDN
Asp.Net Core - Dependency Injection - tutorialsteacher.com
Asp.Net Web API Asp.Net MVC - Web API - tutorialspoint.com, Getting Started with Asp.Net Web API
Create a web API with Asp.Net Core MVC Tutorial - MSDN,
Technicalities HttpContext, HttpRequest Class, HttpResponse Class
REST Client, HttpClient Class
file upload and download


For this Project you will build a personal website, intended for recruiters and Interviewers.


  1. Website with two sections: a public static section using HTML5, CSS3, and ES6, and a password protected section using Asp.Net Core MVC.
  2. Contents are academic and professional information, portfolio projects, statement of interests, career preferences, including photos, diagrams, code samples, and any other information that may be relevant.
  3. The site provides the ability to accept comments, notes, and requests from recruiters that are authenticated by the site.
  4. The private inputs, cited in the previous requirements, are viewable only by you and the authenticated user for whom they are intended and any comments or assessments the user may have provided.
  5. Contents are partitioned into topic blocks, each of which may have text, diagrams, photos, and commentary.
  6. The site provides and a webservice built using Asp.Net Web API with the ability to upload, edit, and delete projects, resumes, and topic-blocks.
  7. Clients for WebService