CSE686 - Internet Programming

Lecture #10 - Service Clients

Web Resources:

Color Lab, Color Codes, HTML tags, Everything HTML, XML, HTML, Scripting, webdeveloper.earthweb, devx..., W3Schools, Web Developer's Virtual Library, World-Wide Web Consortium, WebReference


This lecture is concerned with WCF services and WPF clients.
  1. Syllabus describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Final Projects:

  3. Material from last lecture - Traditional Asp.Net Web Services:

  4. Web Api Clients

    C# Threads and Tasks

    HTTP Made Really Easy

    HttpClient - MSDN, HttpClient Tutorial - dotnetperls.com
    Calling WebApi from .Net Client, Calling WebApi using HttpClient - CodeProject
    Understanding Simple Async Program, Async with HttpClient

    Uses transfer of byte arrays to download files in chunked form.
    This is the recommended approach to build clients for WebApi services. We'll use this next time applied to Windows Presentation Foundation clients.

    Asp.Net MVC File Manager and Console Client - File uploads and downloads
    Uses traditional multi-part form encoding to send files. Seems complicated to me.

    WPF Dispatcher Demo

    Accessing Web api using async and await, Async Await in WPF application

  5. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF):

    WPF Presentation

    WPF Controls
    Illustrates how to use a few of the WPF controls.
    Routed Events
    Shows how events bubble up the Xaml parse tree.
    Attached Properties
    WPF properties are based on a property management system that uses dependency objects to manage visual relationships.
    User Controls
    User Controls allow users to combine WPF controls into panels that can be treated as a single composite control.
    Data Templates
    Data templates allow you to customize the way controls present their information.

  6. .Net Delegates

  7. Lab Assignment #10