Lab Assignment #10 - Service Clients

Revised: 3/19/2013
Lab #01 Lab #02 Lab #03 Lab #04 Lab #05 Lab #06
Lab #07 Lab #08 Lab #09 Lab #10 Lab #11 Lab #12

w3schools aspAlliance HTML Reference Lecture #10

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" Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. "
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

This lab has you practice writing asynchronous code using the .net async await pattern. You will use what you learn here in lab #11 to build a WPF client for a file upload/download service. That essentially changes the console client you saw demonstrated today into a WPF client that uses asynchronous processing.


  1. Review the C# Threads and Tasks code demos from Lecture #9. Pay particular attention to the TaskWithContinuation demo which uses async await in the function getSumWithAwaitAsync(...).
  2. Write a small C# console application that searches a text file for a specified string asynchronously by awaiting on a search function. The code after the await acts as a callback, so you will announce your results in that code.
  3. Modify your application to search for the text asynchronously in all the files in a test folder. Do that by calling your async text search function while looping over all the files in the test folder.
Final Project #1, Final Project #2, Final Project #3