Lecture #1 - Introduction to IP

Discuss Projects, Labs, Class Mechanics

This site is under construction. The menus need editing, the remaining lecture pages need to be updated to the new web site design, and a lot of content will be updated, removed, and new material added. The labs will all be changed, and the final projects list will also be changed.

Web Resources:

Color Lab, Color Codes, Design, Color, Typography, HTML tags, Everything HTML, XML, HTML, Scripting, webdeveloper.earthweb, devx..., W3Schools, Web Developer's Virtual Library, World-Wide Web Consortium, WebDev


This lecture is an introduction to the CSE686 - Internet Programming course. Today we discuss topics to be covered in this course, its projects, and grading. We then cover an introduction to the web, client-side programming models, seperation of content from styling, and then assign todays Lab material.
  1. Syllabus describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Final Project #1, Final Project #2, Final Project #3 You will do one of these - the choice of which is yours to make - and present on the last day of classes.

    You are expressly requested to refrain from using site editors like Dreamweaver, FrontPage, or other web designers. You may use any of the facilities of Visual Studio 2013 or any other text editor of your choice. This same rule applies to your lab submissions as well.

    For your Final Project demos you will be required to host your site in IIS and use only page links for navigation. You may host and demonstrate your labs in the built-in Visual Studio web server.

    All projects must use Asp.net MVC, XML and SQL storage, and at least one page that uses new features of HTML5.

  3. Introduction to the Web
  4. Introduction to CSE686
  5. Static Web Page Model
  6. W3C Box Model
  7. W3C CSS Selectors Model
  8. Flow Model, Box Model, Float Model, Position Model, Script Model, HTML Controls, Table Layout, Float Layout, Position Layout, Partitions
  9. Web Server Page Models:
    Static Page Model ASP Page Model, Asp.Net Page Model, Ajax Page Model
  10. Overview of Entity Framework
  11. Comparison of HTML, ASP, and ASP.NET
    calc1.htm, calc2.htm, calc2.aspx, calc3.aspx
  12. HTML Reference
    CSS Reference, Quirksmode CSS Tutorial
    W3schools JavaScript Tutorial, Quirksmode JavaScript Tutorial, DevGuru Javascript Reference, Javascript Reference
    w3schools HTML DOM Tutorial, w3schools Tutorial SiteMap
  13. Lab Assignment #1
  14. Web Programming Language Resources

    HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP)
    Tutorials:     jmarshall, dslab, wdvl,
    References:  comptecdoc
    Examples:    evolvedcode

    HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
    Tutorials:     Htmldog,
    References:  Htmldog, W3c, HtmlHelp, W3Schools,
    Examples:    W3Schools,

    eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
    Tutorials:     XMLfiles, Zvon, Univ of Aarhus, w3schools, gotDotNet,
    References:  Programming the XML DOM, MSDN - XML DOM, XML Schemas,
    Examples:    xmlFiles,

    Tutorials:     W3Schools, WDVL, pageresource, Webmonkey, webdeveloper, echoecho,
    References:  visibone, devguru, webreference, W3cSchools, W3C,
    Examples:    Htmldog,

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    Tutorials:     Htmldog,
    References:  Htmldog, HtmlHelp, W3cSchools, Zvon, Webucator, W3C,
    Examples:    Htmldog,