Friday Help Sessions

Help sessions start at 9:00am on Fridays in CST 4-201. They usually end around 10:30am, but I'll go until Noon if the questions keep coming. There is no agenda for these meetings except to answer your questions about course material and projects.

The regularly scheduled classes are large and have a lot of content which makes it difficult to answer a lot of questions. These help sessions are designed to give you a chance to direct me to the information and ideas you need or don't fully understand.

We usually hold these meetings every week and you are invited to attend.

TAs hold a "Surviving SMA" or "Surviving OOD" help session, also on Fridays, at 5:00pm in CST 4-201. These are intended for students who are struggling with the course material, so complex or sophisticated questions will be redirected to me. These sessions help you build the foundations you need for this course.

campus at night