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CSE775 - Distributed Objects, Spring 2016

HTML5 Demo4b - Float Model

Demonstrate Float Model

A little content for a floated div.

The box model governs how elements are rendered. For any content in a block element, like this one, there are three nested boxes. The innermost box is the content, surrounded by padding out to the element's border. The border resides within an outer box that encloses the element's margins. If margin is zero, then the border and margin boxes are superimposed. If padding is zero then the border and content boxes are superimposed.

The bordered box above was floated left. That takes it out of the normal page flow. Text in the flow will honor the floated box's container boundaries, including margins. So the text flows around the box as you see here. Now, let's float right.

More content in a second floated div.
Here's a couple of lines to make the box
tall enough that the clearing effect is evident.
Perhaps one more line won't hurt.

This box has content that will help illustrate how clearing works.

A bit more content after a cleared div. Clearing makes subsequent text and markup lie below the last floated element.