- /faculty/fawcett/handouts/CSE687/code/Project4HelpS2019/CppRepoWithCsGUI-Demo/

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10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> .vs
4/22/2018 11:17 AM 2239 About.txt
4/11/2018 7:42 AM 1646 Build.txt
9/26/2017 5:22 PM 72461 Client-Channel-Server.docx
9/26/2017 5:22 PM 182950 Client-Channel-Server.pdf
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> CodeAnalyzer
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> CommLibWrapper
4/11/2016 7:57 PM 233382 CommunicationChannel.pdf
4/11/2016 7:57 PM 87855 CommunicationChannel.vsdx
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> CppCommWithFileXfer
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> CppNoSqlDb
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> Debug
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> FileSystem-Windows
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> GUI
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> LocalStorage
4/9/2018 5:08 PM 184944 logFile.txt
4/11/2018 7:42 AM 2587 Parts.txt
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> Process
5/24/2018 4:02 PM 15923 Project4Demo.sln
10/20/2018 10:29 AM 17601038
9/26/2017 5:42 PM 32807 RemoteCodeAnalyzer.docx
9/26/2017 5:44 PM 15411 RemoteCodeAnalyzer.gliffy
9/26/2017 5:42 PM 154591 RemoteCodeAnalyzer.pdf
5/24/2018 5:11 PM 298096 ScreenShotContextMenu.docx
5/24/2018 5:11 PM 191632 ScreenShotContextMenu.pdf
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> ServerPrototype
10/7/2017 6:08 AM 72113 SocketBasedCommunicationChannel.docx
10/7/2017 6:08 AM 341374 SocketBasedCommunicationChannel.pdf
9/22/2017 2:49 PM 25762 SocketCommunication.gliffy
9/22/2017 3:41 PM 59339 SocketCommunication.png
4/11/2016 7:57 PM 202766 SocketDemo.pdf
4/11/2016 7:57 PM 55428 SocketDemo.vsdx
4/3/2018 5:55 AM 249322 Steps-to-show-code-in-popup-window.docx
4/3/2018 5:56 AM 224680 Steps-to-show-code-in-popup-window.pdf
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> Storage
4/11/2018 7:42 AM 2407 ToDo.txt
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> Translater
5/24/2018 5:03 PM 37552 User Control to Set File Dependencies.docx
5/24/2018 5:03 PM 79655 User Control to Set File Dependencies.pdf
10/4/2023 11:35 AM <dir> x64