============================================ This is a sample project for CSE687-OnLine ============================================ ToDo: =================== New Functionality: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Add tab control with tabs for connection and browsing. 2. Add connect tab item that accepts machine name and port for the server and a button to connect 3. Add ability to read server port number from the server's command line. 4. Display server network information on its console at startup 5. Add repository functionality over the summer. Polishing Code: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Make code analysis asynchronous by forming reply message as a callback 7. I don't think you can simply change the path to "StorageRoot" without breakage. I will look at that this Summer. 8. Refactor ServerProcs and ClientProcs to eliminate duplicate code. Then move the procs to separate files, so codes that change often are moved out of the server and client code base. 9. Redesign GUI to use a "provider" model for contents, e.g., display groups and elements. For the current view, groups are directories and elements are files. But you might also want category groups with files with those categories, or namespace groups with files in those namespaces. 10. Simplify path handling and pull specific path definitions into an evironment. 11. Update Utils - start by using the current string, code, and test utils - add thread utils with priority etc - add retry wrapper to file utils 12. There is a Communication Channel called CppHttpClientAndServer, that implements the important parts of the HTTP 1.0 protocol. It's unfinished, although you can send pages to Chrome. It is, like all HTTP, a synchronous protocol. It would make sense to finish this and extend to use a "oneway" attribute to enable asynchronous communication, e.g., don't wait for a reply - it may come later. This too, is a Summer project for me. 13. A lot of this project was built quickly, and there are probably some latent errors, although I don't know of any now (04/09/2018). It would make a lot of sense to develop a rigourous test set for each of the parts, listed in Parts.txt, similar to what you've done for your Project #1.