Week 6a - Sockets and Sockets Library

Connected, stream-oriented communication


This lecture introduces Win32 Sockets and a C++ Sockets library. The library encapsulates connected, stream-oriented sockets with four classes: Sockets, SocketConnecter, SocketListener, and SocketSystem.

Readings and Activities for the Week:

Glossary of Terms

  1. Projects:

  2. Win32 and C++ Sockets

    Sockets natively read and write sequences of bytes

    To communicate usefully you usually have to frame messages and abide by some talk protocol, e.g., who can send and who should listen. All of this is discussed and illustrated with code, using the links on this page. You've seen the links, below, in the last lecture on Threads. The techniques they present are needed for building responsive message-passing communication channels.
  3. Tutorials:

  4. Preparation for Synchronous Discussion:

  5. Lecture Take-aways:

    The most important things we discussed are: