CSE681 - Software Modeling & Analysis

Lecture #9 - Winform Programming

Web Resourses:

UML XML, HTML Code Project Microsoft Developer's Network DevelopMentor XML Sells Brothers Windows Developer's Journal WindowsClient.net DotNetJunkies dotnet quickstart tutorials C# Corner Mono Project Performance Counters


This lecture continues with WinForms-based windows programs. We will discuss creating Windows Applications using WinForms presenting several examples.
C# Tutorials
  1. The Syllabus describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Using Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)
    Shows how to build and execute dynamic link libraries - make sure you study both the code and comments in this demonstration.
  3. Programming in C#
  4. WinForms Tutorials:

  5. Windows event-based programming model
  6. Winforms - Background and Demos:

  7. WinForms Tutorials: