Str.h, Str.cpp, Str.txt, Code folder, Classes webpage

Illustrates all of the basic parts of a class, e.g., Constructors, operators, destructor, and member data.


  Testing Str class

  testing promotion constructor
  new Str object: this is a string

  testing copy constructor
  copy of original:    this is a string

  testing move constructor
  string created in testFunction

  testing index operator
  second character is: h
  modifying fourth character: thix is a string

  testing appends
  appending vowel characters:
  this is a stringa
  this is a stringae
  this is a stringaei
  this is a stringaeio
  this is a stringaeiou
  size of Str object is 21

  appending string "yyy": this is a stringaeiouyyy
  size of Str object is now 24
  appending a long string to Str object:
  this is a stringaeiouyyy and the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain
  size of Str object is now 72

  testing addition operator
  Original string - this is a concatenated part

  testing copy assignment operator
  assigning the original's copy to this string: thix is a string
  size of Str object is now 16

  testing move assignment operator
 sum of two strings is: thix is a string thix is a string

  testing memory resizing by multiple appends
  appending "C++ is great!!! " several times to this string:

  thix is a stringC++ is great!!!
  size of Str object is now 32
  thix is a stringC++ is great!!! C++ is great!!!
  size of Str object is now 48
  thix is a stringC++ is great!!! C++ is great!!! C++ is great!!!
  size of Str object is now 64
  thix is a stringC++ is great!!! C++ is great!!! C++ is great!!! C++ is great!!!
  size of Str object is now 80
  thix is a stringC++ is great!!! C++ is great!!! C++ is great!!! C++ is great!!! C++ is great!!!
  size of Str object is now 96

  testing insertion and extraction operators
  Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country
  The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain
  This is the last line

  testing cast operator
  The string below is a const char* holding address of last Str's character memory:

  This is the last line

  testing index operator
  012345 - 0 1 2 3 4 5
  index out of bounds in operator[]

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