Help with New Site Design

Help with Menu
  1. Pages that have a logical predecessor and successor will show Prev and Next links
  2. At the top right are two buttons, [<] and [>], that scroll the menu left or right. These bring links into view if there isn't room to display all the links in the menu.
  3. At the lower right you will see navigation buttons. You can either click the button or type the corresponding key to invoke its action. You can also hide the buttons by right-clicking anywhere on the page or selecting About > Nav Keys.
  4. Note that right-clicking anywhere on the page results in toggeling the Nav Key display, unless you right-click on a link. That results in opening the link in a new tab.
  5. All course related things are accessed from Home, Courses, Core Tech, Directories, and Blog.
  6. EECS and Resources contain student related topics, e.g., pictures, forms, interviews, etc.
  7. About has information about me and the site.
  8. Site Map has links to most of the important topics, all in one view.
Help with Keyboard actions:
  1. C - load course page (available on Lecture pages)
  2. L - load first lecture page (available on Course pages)
  3. T - scroll to page top
  4. B - scroll to page bottom
  5. H - show this page in a separate window
  6. U - scroll up
  7. D - scroll down
  8. N - change to next page, if defined with a page link
  9. P - change to prev page, if defined with a page link
Many of the lower-level pages have not yet been converted to this new design. That will happen during the semester, as course content moves to new topics.