#include #include #include /* this class is designed as a test class for our restructuring and cohesion Technique Author: Mehmet KAYA */ using namespace std; class Class1 { private: int stk[100]; int top; string funinvokes[100]; int topInvok; time_t rawtime; int x1, y1, x2, y2; void ErrorInSizeFunInvok() { cout<<"Index out of range!\n"; cout<<"The Array has "< 0) { top--; int temp_int=stk[top]; return temp_int; } else { ErrorInSize(); return -1; } } int Size() { time ( &rawtime ); string t=string(ctime(&rawtime)); string temp="Size invoked: "; temp+=t; PushFunInvok(temp); return top; } };