/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Application.cpp - provides demonstration methods doFile and doDir // // // // Jim Fawcett, CSE687 - Object Oriented Design, Fall 2018 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Note: The code below is almost exactly the same as in DirExplorerT.cpp */ #ifdef TEST_APPLICATION // only compile the following when defined #include "Application.h" #include "DirExplorerT.h" #include "../StringUtilities/StringUtilities.h" #include "../CodeUtilities/CodeUtilities.h" #include using namespace Utilities; using namespace FileSystem; std::string customUsage() { std::string usage; usage += "\n Command Line: path [/option]* [/pattern]*"; usage += "\n path is relative or absolute path where processing begins"; usage += "\n [/option]* are one or more options of the form:"; usage += "\n /s - walk directory recursively"; usage += "\n /h - hide empty directories"; usage += "\n /a - on stopping, show all files in current directory"; usage += "\n [pattern]* are one or more pattern strings of the form:"; usage += "\n *.h *.cpp *.cs *.txt or *.*"; usage += "\n"; return usage; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Title("Demonstrate DirExplorer-Template, " + DirExplorerT::version()); ProcessCmdLine pcl(argc, argv); pcl.usage(customUsage()); preface("Command Line: "); pcl.showCmdLine(); putline(); if (pcl.parseError()) { pcl.usage(); std::cout << "\n\n"; return 1; } DirExplorerT de(pcl.path()); for (auto patt : pcl.patterns()) { de.addPattern(patt); } if (pcl.hasOption('s')) { de.recurse(); } if (pcl.hasOption('h')) { de.hideEmptyDirectories(true); } if (pcl.hasOption('a')) { de.showAllInCurrDir(true); } if (pcl.maxItems() > 0) { de.maxItems(pcl.maxItems()); } de.search(); de.showStats(); std::cout << "\n\n"; return 0; } #endif