================== To Build and Run ================== This solution builds with Visual Studio 2015. Using the IDE: 1. Right-click on CodeAnalyzer project and select rebuild. 2. Right-click on VisualCodeAnalyzer and select rebuild The code analyzer process runs as a console application. VisualCodeAnalyzer is a WPF application written in C++\CLI and runs as a Windows (GUI) application. When started it starts the CodeAnalyzer. The purpose of VisualCodeAnalyzer is to set up command line arguments for CodeAnalyzer by checking analysis types and browsing for a directory subtree to analyze. It then starts the CodeAnalyzer process using the path and options selected with the GUI. You normally just use the first tab for analyzing code. However, the second tab allows you to analyze just the files in a single folder. It also lets you select the type or types of analyzes you want to run. The third tab - Display Mode - allows you to see normal results, results that are augmented with commentary so you can see how CodeAnalyzer works, and a debug mode that generates an enourmous amount of output. You will find that the path and selections you make are sticky. If you start VisualCodeAnalyzer a second time it will start with the same settings you used for the first run, unless you change them.