Package Responsibilities ======================== 1. DateTime - create, show, and modify date-time stamps - add or subtract time durations 2. DbCore - define db records, e.g., key and DbElement - provide in-memory storage for db records - add and remove db records - simple editing of records 3. Edit - make DbElement editing operations easy to use 4. Executive - provide a static library and single header file to provide access to NoSqlDb functionality 5. PayLoad - application defined class that holds application specific data 6. Persist - provide for saving and retrieving a NoSqlDb to and from XML strings 7. Query - provides a language and facilities for extracting information from the NoSqlDb 8. StringUtilities - provides title formatting, and line feeds 9. TestApplication - shows how to use NoSqlDb in another application 10. TestClassProj - Demonstrates that NoSqlDb satisfies its requirements 11. TestUtilities - an alternate form of testing used for the initial prototype 12. XmlDocument - Xml string creation and parsing facility