#ifndef SOCKETS_H #define SOCKETS_H ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sockets.h - C++ wrapper for Win32 socket api // // ver 5.2 // // Jim Fawcett, CSE687 - Object Oriented Design, Spring 2016 // // CST 4-187, Syracuse University, 315 443-3948, jfawcett@twcny.rr.com // //---------------------------------------------------------------------// // Jim Fawcett (c) copyright 2015 // // All rights granted provided this copyright notice is retained // //---------------------------------------------------------------------// // Application: OOD Project #4 // // Platform: Visual Studio 2015, Dell XPS 8900, Windows 10 pro // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Package Operations: * ------------------- * Provides four classes that wrap the Winsock API: * Socket: * - provides all the functionality necessary to handle server clients * - created by SocketListener after accepting a request * - usually passed to a client handling thread * SocketConnecter: * - adds the ability to connect to a server * SocketListener: * - adds the ability to listen for connections on a dedicated thread * - instances of this class are the only ones influenced by ipVer(). * clients will use whatever protocol the server provides. * SocketSystem: * - Loads and unloads winsock2 library. * - Declared once at beginning of execution * * Required Files: * --------------- * Sockets.h, Sockets.cpp, * Logger.h, Logger.cpp, * Utilities.h, Utililties.cpp, * WindowsHelpers.h, WindowsHelpers.cpp * * Maintenance History: * -------------------- * ver 5.2 : 05 Oct 2017 * - changed Socket::recvString to append the terminating character, * newline by default * - added removeTerminator method to remove the newly added terminator * character * - modified error logging displays * ver 5.1 : 10 Apr 16 * - Added sendStream and recvStream to support sending and receiving * file streams. These simply wrap the native sockets send and recv. * ver 5.0 : 04 Mar 16 * - Fixed bugs in Socket test stub, essentially stealing fixes from * ClientTest.cpp and ServerTest.cpp * - Didn't change any code in the Socket library itself * ver 4.9 : 04 Mar 16 * - Added a single write statement in Socket::Listener::accept() * ver 4.8 : 22 Feb 16 * - Replaced verbose I/O with Logger I/O * - Replaced ApplicationHelpers package with Utilities package * ver 4.7 : 04 Apr 15 * - removed testBlockHandling declaration from Socket.cpp ClientHandler. * The implementation had already been removed, I just forgot the declaration. * - added test for INVALID_SOCKET in Socket::recvString. The omission was * reported by Huanming Fang. Thanks Huanming. * ver 4.6 : 30 Mar 15 * - minor modification to comments, above, and in Socket class implem. * ver 4.5 : 30 Mar 15 * - moved SocketListener::start(...) from cpp to h file since it is a * template method. * - renamed ClientProc to ClientHandler * - removed Block operations to avoid binding Socket package to * FileSystem package. Will add buffer operations to the * FileSystem::File class to match the Socket buffer operations. * - gave ClientHandler a command interpreter to select a test process * - test string tranfers * - test buffer transfers * - client sends a string to select test mode * - test modes are (string, buffer, and stop) * - Created a Verbose class in AppHelpers package that locks stream io. * That helps to keep server and client io text from intermingling. * You can turn verbose mode off which silences output that isn't * marked "always". * - Fixed again the bug which prevented communicating with anything other * than the loopback by adding hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE to * SocketListener member data. * - added more testing * ver 4.4 : 27 Mar 15 * - minor changes to comments * - moved ClientHandler into test stub * ver 4.3 : 26 Mar 15 * - fixed bug noticed by Tarun Rajput * - used '0' as terminator. Should have been '\0' * ver 4.2 : 26 Mar 15 * - several small changes to the Socket class interface * ver 4.1 : 25 Mar 15 * - fixed connection bug that prevented connecting to anything * other than a loopback (localhost,, ::1) by * adding winsock code to SocketConnecter(). * - removed low-level code from ClientProc * (server's client handler callable object) * replaced with code written to Socket interface * Ver 4.0 : 24 Mar 15 * - first release of total redesign - had a known bug (see ver 4.1) */ /* * ToDo: * - make SocketSystem a reference counted instance of Socket * - write buffered recv which efficiently returns string or line * - reads and concatenates everything available into circular buffer * - parses out first string or line and moves start of buffer pointer * to begining of next * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Wait for The next items until Students have submitted their code * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * - build front end, e.g., Sender and Receiver classes * - implement message facility: message class, sendMsg and recvMsg * - Test and Display packages */ #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // prevents duplicate includes of core parts of windows.h in winsock2.h #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include // Windnows API #include // Windows sockets, ver 2 #include // support for IPv6 and other things #include // ip helpers #include #include #include #include "../WindowsHelpers/WindowsHelpers.h" #include "../Utilities/Utilities.h" #include "../Logger/Logger.h" #pragma warning(disable:4522) #pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib") namespace Sockets { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SocketSystem class - manages loading and unloading Winsock library class SocketSystem { public: SocketSystem(); ~SocketSystem(); private: int iResult; WSADATA wsaData; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Socket class // - used by server for client handling // - base for SocketConnecter and SocketListener classes class Socket { public: enum IpVer { IP4, IP6 }; using byte = char; // disable copy construction and assignment Socket(const Socket& s) = delete; Socket& operator=(const Socket& s) = delete; Socket(IpVer ipver = IP4); Socket(::SOCKET); Socket(Socket&& s); operator ::SOCKET() { return socket_; } Socket& operator=(Socket&& s); virtual ~Socket(); IpVer& ipVer(); bool send(size_t bytes, byte* buffer); bool recv(size_t bytes, byte* buffer); size_t sendStream(size_t bytes, byte* buffer); size_t recvStream(size_t bytes, byte* buffer); bool sendString(const std::string& str, byte terminator = '\0'); std::string recvString(byte terminator = '\0'); static std::string removeTerminator(const std::string& src); size_t bytesWaiting(); bool waitForData(size_t timeToWait, size_t timeToCheck); bool shutDownSend(); bool shutDownRecv(); bool shutDown(); void close(); bool validState() { return socket_ != INVALID_SOCKET; } protected: WSADATA wsaData; ::SOCKET socket_; struct addrinfo *result = NULL, *ptr = NULL, hints; int iResult; IpVer ipver_ = IP4; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SocketConnecter class // - supports connecting to a SocketListener class SocketConnecter : public Socket { public: SocketConnecter(const SocketConnecter& s) = delete; SocketConnecter& operator=(const SocketConnecter& s) = delete; SocketConnecter(); SocketConnecter(SocketConnecter&& s); SocketConnecter& operator=(SocketConnecter&& s); virtual ~SocketConnecter(); bool connect(const std::string& ip, size_t port); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SocketListener class // - listens for incoming connections // - each connection is handled on its own thread class SocketListener : public Socket { public: SocketListener(const SocketListener& s) = delete; SocketListener& operator=(const SocketListener& s) = delete; SocketListener(size_t port, IpVer ipv = IP6); SocketListener(SocketListener&& s); SocketListener& operator=(SocketListener&& s); virtual ~SocketListener(); template bool start(CallObj& co); void stop(); private: bool bind(); bool listen(); Socket accept(); std::atomic stop_ = false; size_t port_; bool acceptFailed_ = false; }; //----< SocketListener start function runs listener on its own thread >------ /* * - Accepts Callable Object that defines the operations * to handle client requests. * - You will find an example Callable Object, ClientProc, * used in the test stub below */ template bool SocketListener::start(CallObj& co) { if (!bind()) { return false; } if (!listen()) { return false; } // listen on a dedicated thread so server's main thread won't block std::thread ListenThread( [&]() { StaticLogger<1>::write("\n -- server waiting for connection"); while (!acceptFailed_) { if (stop_.load()) break; // Accept a client socket - blocking call Socket clientSocket = accept(); // uses move ctor if (!clientSocket.validState()) { continue; } StaticLogger<1>::write("\n -- server accepted connection"); // start thread to handle client request //std::thread clientThread(std::ref(co), std::move(clientSocket)); std::thread clientThread(co, std::move(clientSocket)); clientThread.detach(); // detach - listener won't access thread again } StaticLogger<1>::write("\n -- Listen thread stopping"); } ); ListenThread.detach(); return true; } } #endif