/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // spawnProc.cpp - Demonstrate Creation of a Child Process // // // // Jim Fawcett, CSE691 - SW Modeling & Analysis, Fall 2000 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: // // Place execution image of program to run in same directory // // as the execution image of this program. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include // GetCurrentThreadId(), CreateProcess(...) #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout << "\n Demonstrating CreateProcess " << "\n=============================\n"; cout << "\n my process ID = " << GetCurrentProcessId() << "\n my thread ID = " << GetCurrentThreadId() << endl; if(argc < 2) { cout << "\n please enter the name of a program to execute, including .exe"; return 1; } // Command line arguments: // CreateProcess will pass a single C string containing one or more words // to the spawned process. Each word in the string will appear as one // argument on the spawned process command line. char *pCL; if(argc < 3) pCL = "default argument"; else pCL = argv[2]; // expect quoted string containing one or more words // arguments for create process: STARTUPINFO startInfo; // establishes properties of child process PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; // holds info returned from CreateProcess LPCTSTR appName = argv[1]; // program to run LPTSTR commandLine = pCL; // main's args LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES procSec = NULL; // default security LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES thrdSec = NULL; // default security BOOL inheritHandles = FALSE; // don't inherit hndls DWORD createFlags = CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE; // make a console LPVOID environment = NULL; // caller's evironmt LPCTSTR currentPath = NULL; // default dir LPSTARTUPINFO pStartInfo = &startInfo; // set process style LPPROCESS_INFORMATION pPrInfo = &procInfo; // retrieve info // string buildTitle = string("child process: ") += argv[1]; GetStartupInfo(&startInfo); startInfo.lpTitle = (char*)buildTitle.c_str(); startInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USEPOSITION | STARTF_USESIZE; startInfo.dwX = 200; startInfo.dwY = 250; startInfo.dwXSize = 600; startInfo.dwYSize = 300; cout << "\n Attempting to start: " << argv[1] << "\n with arguments: " << pCL << endl; BOOL OK = CreateProcess( appName,commandLine,procSec,thrdSec,inheritHandles, createFlags,environment,currentPath,pStartInfo,pPrInfo ); CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread); // parent needs no access to child thread if(!OK) { cout << "\n failed to create process: " << appName << "\n\n"; // ask system what type of error occurred DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); // map errorCode into a system defined error string DWORD dwFlags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER; LPCVOID lpSource = NULL; DWORD dwMessageID = errorCode; DWORD dwLanguageId = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH,SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US); LPSTR lpBuffer; DWORD nSize = 0; va_list *Arguments = NULL; FormatMessage( dwFlags,lpSource,dwMessageID,dwLanguageId, (LPTSTR)&lpBuffer,nSize,Arguments ); cout << "\n error: "; if(lpBuffer) cout << lpBuffer << "\n --- did you forget extension .exe?" << "\n\n"; return 1; } cout << "\n\n"; // wait for child process to terminate before terminating WaitForSingleObject(procInfo.hProcess,INFINITE); CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess); return 0; }