Lab Assignment #4

Revised: 12 June 2007
Lab #01 Lab #02 Lab #03 Lab #04 Lab #05 Lab #06 Lab #07 Lab #08 Lect #04

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" Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. "
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


    HTML Guide, Style Sheets, Other Links
  • Interactively create an ASP.Net Wiki prototype, during class demonstration.
  • Interactively create PHP examples during lecture.
  • Interactively create Java examples during lecture.
  • PHP assignments:
    1. convert random_quote.jsp to random_quote.php. Display with a hardcoded array of quotes in PHP.
    2. Convert pick_quote.jsp to pick_quote.php. Display a quote with a form-selected array index, in PHP.
    3. Convert login.jsp and wiew_quotes.jsp to login.php and view_quotes.php.
  • Java assignments:
       convert random_db_quote.php into a three part Java application:
    1. random_db_quote.jsp. Calls QuoteSession.getRandomQuote() and displays.
    2. A stateless session bean. Its only method, getRandomQuote() uses Quote entity class to get and return a random quote.
    3. An entity that holds one quote.

    4. Look at db2shout.jsp and, on the JSP siede, hardcode the rest (one quote at first), then add other parts.