///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sockets.cpp - Provides basic network communication services // // ver 1.3 // // Language: Visual C++, 2005 // // Platform: Dell Dimension 9150, Windows XP Pro, SP 2.0 // // Application: Utility for CSE687 and CSE775 projects // // Author: Jim Fawcett, Syracuse University, CST 2-187 // // (315) 443-3948, jfawcett@twcny.rr.com // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "Sockets.h" #include "diagnostics.h" #include bool SocketSystem::loaded = false; int SocketSystem::count = 0; //----< ISocketSystem factory function >----------------------------- // // This is a creational function, so client must delete // ISocketSystem* ISocketSystem::Create() { return new SocketSystem; } //----< get socket error message string >---------------------------- std::string SocketSystem::GetLastMsg(bool WantSocketMsg) { // ask system what type of error occurred DWORD errorCode; if(WantSocketMsg) errorCode = WSAGetLastError(); else errorCode = GetLastError(); if(errorCode == 0) return "no error"; // map errorCode into a system defined error string DWORD dwFlags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER; LPCVOID lpSource = NULL; DWORD dwMessageID = errorCode; DWORD dwLanguageId = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH,SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US); LPSTR lpBuffer; DWORD nSize = 0; va_list *Arguments = NULL; FormatMessage( dwFlags,lpSource,dwMessageID,dwLanguageId, (LPTSTR)&lpBuffer,nSize,Arguments ); std::string _msg(lpBuffer); LocalFree(lpBuffer); return _msg; } // //----< throw exception string >------------------------------------- void SocketSystem::throwMsg(const char *msg, const char *file, int line) { std::ostringstream collect; collect << msg << " " << GetLastMsg(); if(file) collect << "\nfile: " << file; if(line) collect << "\nline: " << line; collect << '\n' << std::ends; throw std::exception(collect.str().c_str()); } //----< load WinSock Library >--------------------------------------- SocketSystem::SocketSystem() { ++count; if(loaded == false) { Trace("loading wsock32 library"); WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1,1); // requesting version 1.1 WSAData wData; // startup data filled by WSAStartup int err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wData); if(err == SOCKET_ERROR) SocketSystem::throwMsg("initialization error: ",__FILE__,__LINE__); loaded = true; } } //----< destructor unloads socket library >-------------------------- SocketSystem::~SocketSystem() { if(--count == 0) { Trace("unloading wsock32 library"); WSACleanup(); loaded = false; } } // //----< get host name >---------------------------------------------- std::string SocketSystem::getHostName() { char buffer[256]; gethostname(buffer,256); return buffer; } //----< get ip address of network machine >-------------------------- std::string SocketSystem::getIpFromName(const std::string& name) { hostent* remoteHost = 0; SOCKADDR_IN tcpAddr; tcpAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; tcpAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(name.c_str()); if(tcpAddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { // name is not an ip address, so try to map name to address // via DNS hostent* remoteHost = gethostbyname(name.c_str()); if(remoteHost == NULL) SocketSystem::throwMsg("invalid name",__FILE__,__LINE__); CopyMemory( &tcpAddr.sin_addr, remoteHost->h_addr_list[0], remoteHost->h_length ); } return inet_ntoa(tcpAddr.sin_addr); } //----< get network name of machine from ip address >---------------- std::string SocketSystem::getNameFromIp(const std::string& ip) { struct hostent* host = (hostent*)malloc(sizeof(struct hostent)); struct in_addr *ipaddr = (in_addr*)malloc(sizeof(struct in_addr)); ipaddr->s_addr = inet_addr(ip.c_str()); host = gethostbyaddr((char*)ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr), AF_INET); if(!host) SocketSystem::throwMsg("name resolution error: ",__FILE__,__LINE__); return host->h_name; } // //----< Socket factory function >------------------------------------ // // This is a creational function, so client must delete // ISocket* ISocket::Create() { return new Socket; } //----< constructor creates TCP Stream socket >---------------------- Socket::Socket() : terminator_("") { s_ = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); } //----< constructor creates connected TCP Stream socket >------------ Socket::Socket(const std::string& url, int port) : terminator_("\n") { s_ = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); this->connect(url, port); } //----< promotes WinSock SOCKET handle to Socket object >------------ Socket::Socket(SOCKET s) : s_(s), terminator_("") {} //----< destructor closes socket handle >---------------------------- Socket::~Socket() { disconnect(); } //----< connects to IP address or network host >--------------------- bool Socket::connect(std::string url, int port) { int err; try { if(isalpha(url[0])) url = SocketSystem().getIpFromName(url); SOCKADDR_IN tcpAddr; tcpAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; tcpAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(url.c_str()); tcpAddr.sin_port = htons(port); err = ::connect(s_, (sockaddr*)&tcpAddr, sizeof(tcpAddr)); } catch(std::exception& ex) { std::string msg = std::string(ex.what()) + std::string(", Error in Socket::connect(...)"); diagnostics().ExceptionMsg(msg.c_str(),"Socket Error"); } if(err == SOCKET_ERROR) return false; return true; } //----< disconnect socket >------------------------------------------ void Socket::disconnect() { shutdown(s_, SD_BOTH); closesocket(s_); } // //----< casts Socket to WinSock SOCKET handle >---------------------- Socket::operator SOCKET () { return s_; } //----< send blocks until all characters are sent >------------------ bool Socket::send(const std::string& msg) { return send(msg.c_str(),msg.size()); } //----< send blocks until all characters are sent >------------------ bool Socket::send(const char* block, size_t len) { try { const int sendRetries = 100; size_t blockLen = strlen(block); size_t bytesSent; size_t bytesLeft = blockLen; size_t blockIndx = 0; size_t count = 0; while(bytesLeft > 0) { bytesSent = ::send(s_,&block[blockIndx],static_cast(bytesLeft),0); if(bytesSent == SOCKET_ERROR) { Sleep(50); ++count; } if(count==sendRetries) throw std::exception("send failed after 100 retries"); bytesLeft -= bytesSent; blockIndx += bytesSent; } } catch(std::exception& ex) { std::string msg = std::string(ex.what()) + std::string(", Error in Socket::send(...)"); diagnostics().ExceptionMsg(msg.c_str(),"Socket Error"); return false; } return true; } //----< set socket message terminator >------------------------------ void Socket::setTerminator(const std::string& terminal) { terminator_ = terminal; } //----< get socket message terminator >------------------------------ std::string Socket::getTerminator() { return terminator_; } //----< strip terminator from end of message >----------------------- std::string Socket::stripTerminator(const std::string& msg) { return msg.substr(0,msg.size() - getTerminator().size()); } // //----< recv blocks until a terminator is received >----------------- std::string Socket::recv() { std::string temp; size_t len = terminator_.size(); char ch = 0; while(true) { recv(&ch, 1); temp += ch; size_t i=temp.size(), j=terminator_.size(); while(--i>=0 && --j>=0) { if(temp[i] != terminator_[j]) break; if(j==0) return temp; } } return "message framing error"; } //----< blocks until len characters have been sent >----------------- void Socket::recv(char* block, size_t len) { try { const size_t recvRetries = 100; size_t bytesRecvd, bytesLeft = len; size_t blockIndx = 0, count = 0; while(bytesLeft > 0) { bytesRecvd = ::recv(s_,&block[blockIndx],static_cast(bytesLeft),0); if(bytesRecvd == SOCKET_ERROR) { Sleep(50); ++count; } if(count==recvRetries) SocketSystem().throwMsg("recv failed after 100 retries",__FILE__,__LINE__); bytesLeft -= bytesRecvd; blockIndx += bytesRecvd; } } catch(std::exception& ex) { std::string msg = std::string(ex.what()) + std::string(", Error in Socket::recv(...)"); diagnostics().ExceptionMsg(msg.c_str(),"Socket Error"); } } // //----< get local ip address >--------------------------------------- std::string Socket::getLocalIP() { struct sockaddr name; int len = sizeof(name); hostent* local = gethostbyname(""); return inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)*local->h_addr_list); } //----< get local port >--------------------------------------------- int Socket::getLocalPort() { struct sockaddr name; int len = sizeof(name); int status = getsockname(s_,&name,&len); if(status == 0) { struct sockaddr_in* pLocal = reinterpret_cast(&name); return htons(pLocal->sin_port); } return -1; } //----< get remote ip address >-------------------------------------- std::string Socket::getRemoteIP() { struct sockaddr name; int len = sizeof(name); int status = getpeername(s_,&name,&len); if(status == 0) { struct sockaddr_in* pRemote = reinterpret_cast(&name); return inet_ntoa(pRemote->sin_addr); } return ""; } //----< get remote port >-------------------------------------------- int Socket::getRemotePort() { struct sockaddr name; int len = sizeof(name); int status = getpeername(s_,&name,&len); if(status == 0) { struct sockaddr_in* pRemote = reinterpret_cast(&name); return htons(pRemote->sin_port); } return -1; } // //----< SocketListener factory function >---------------------------- // // This is a creational function, so client must delete // ISocketListener* ISocketListener::Create() { return new SocketListener; } //----< starts listener socket listening for connections >----------- SocketListener::SocketListener(int port) { attach(port); } //----< attach to port >--------------------------------------------- void SocketListener::attach(int port) { try { tcpAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // TCP/IP tcpAddr.sin_port = htons(port); // listening port tcpAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // listen over every network interface int err = bind(s_, (SOCKADDR*)&tcpAddr, sizeof(tcpAddr)); if(err == SOCKET_ERROR) { throw std::exception("binding error type:"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // listen for incoming connection requests int backLog = 10; err = listen(s_, backLog); if(err == SOCKET_ERROR) throw std::exception("listen error type:"); } catch(std::exception& ex) { std::string msg = std::string(ex.what()) + ", error in SocketListener construction"; diagnostics().ExceptionMsg(msg,"Socket Error"); } } //----< destructor closes socket >----------------------------------- SocketListener::~SocketListener() { std::cout << "\n destroying SocketListener"; shutdown(s_, SD_BOTH); closesocket(s_); } // //----< blocks until a connection request has been received >-------- // // This is a creational function, so client must delete // ISocket* SocketListener::waitForConnect() { int size = sizeof(tcpAddr); SOCKET toClient = accept(s_, (SOCKADDR*)&tcpAddr, &size); if(toClient == INVALID_SOCKET) return new Socket(INVALID_SOCKET); return new Socket(toClient); } //----< shuts down listerner >--------------------------------------- void SocketListener::stop() { Trace("shutting down listener in SocketListerer"); shutdown(s_,SD_BOTH); closesocket(s_); } // //----< test stub >-------------------------------------------------- #ifdef TEST_SOCKETS #include void main() { std::cout << "\n Testing Socket, SocketListener, and SocketSystem classes"; std::cout << "\n ==========================================================\n"; ISocketListener* pSocketListener = new SocketListener; try { ISocketSystem* pSocketSystem = new SocketSystem; std::string host = pSocketSystem->getHostName(); std::cout << "\n host machine name: " << host.c_str(); std::string ip = pSocketSystem->getIpFromName(host); std::cout << "\n IP Address of machine: " << ip.c_str(); std::string name = pSocketSystem->getNameFromIp(ip); std::cout << "\n DNS name of machine from ip: " << name.c_str() << '\n'; std::cout << "\n connecting to listener"; std::cout << "\n ------------------------"; pSocketListener->attach(2048); ISocket* pSender = new Socket; if(!pSender->connect(name,2048)) // can use ip addr, e.g., { std::cout << "\n can't connect to " << name.c_str() << "\n\n"; return; } ISocket* pRecvr = pSocketListener->waitForConnect(); std::cout << "\n remote ip is: " << (pRecvr->getRemoteIP()).c_str(); std::cout << ", remote port is: " << pRecvr->getRemotePort(); std::cout << "\n local ip is: " << (pRecvr->getLocalIP()).c_str(); std::cout << ", local port is: " << pRecvr->getLocalPort() << '\n'; pRecvr->setTerminator(""); std::cout << "\n sending from connector to listener"; std::cout << "\n ------------------------------------"; pSender->send("this is a messageand another message"); pSender->send("and a final message"); pSender->send("quit"); while(true) { std::string msg = pRecvr->recv(); std::cout << "\n received \"" << msg.c_str(); if(msg.compare("quit") == 0) break; } std::cout << "\n"; // // demonstrating full duplex operation std::cout << "\n sending from listener back to connector"; std::cout << "\n -----------------------------------------"; pSender->setTerminator("\n"); pRecvr->send("sending message back\nquit\n"); while(true) { std::string msg = pSender->stripTerminator(pSender->recv()); std::cout << "\n received \"" << msg.c_str(); if(msg.compare("quit") == 0) break; } pSender->disconnect(); pRecvr->disconnect(); delete pSocketSystem; delete pSocketListener; delete pSender; delete pRecvr; std::cout << "\n\n"; } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << "\n " << e.what() << "\n\n"; } } #endif