Your First Project

So how do you start?

Glossary of Terms:

Getting Started with Projects:

So how do you start? Here are some practical steps to get going:
  1. Read project statement carefully.
  2. Make a list of tasks the software must execute.
  3. With each task, associate a package. Some tasks may combine to form a package, some may need to be partitioned into two or more packages, but one package per task is typical when you are starting (see bottom-up construction, below).
  4. Open Visual Studio and create an empty solution.
  5. Building Top-Down

    • The instructions in this section are fairly detailed.
      You may find it helpful to look at this code example: GettingStarted Code folder.
      And its class diagram: GettingStarted classes.
      Building this example, I followed the Top-Down steps below. Now, it is ready for some Bottom-Up development to give the Task classes useful functionality.
    • Add an empty C++ Win32 Console Application project, named Executive.
    • Add header file1 Executive.h with a brief prologue comment including the file name. Make sure the file uses preprocessor statements to avoid multiple inclusions2.
    • Add implementation file Executive.cpp with a brief prologue comment including the file name. Then add a #include "Executive.h" statment.
    • Include any C++ libraries needed, i.e., #include <iostreams>3.
    • Include any header files for task packages the executive uses, i.e., #include "Task1.h"4. When you first begin there won't be any. Later, you will come back and add headers as needed.
    • To Executive.cpp add a main function, i.e.:
        int main(int argc, char* argv[])
          // code to invoke your executive goes here
          Executive ex;
          // yada yada
    • Build the solution and make sure that the Executive runs correctly.
    • Add an empty C++ Win32 Console Application project, named Task15.
    • Add package files, Task1.h and Task1.cpp. Configure these files like the Executive package you created in the steps above.
    • Add a Task1.cpp test stub main like this:
        #ifdef TEST_TASK1
        int main(int argc, char* argv[])
          // code to invoke your Task1 goes here
          Task1 t1;
          // yada yada
      The compiler directive allows you to run Task1, stand-alone, by setting Project Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions to include "TEST_TASK1;". In any project that uses Task1, but does not define TEST_TASK1, this test stub will not be compiled, so Task1 can be combined with other Tasks and the Executive.
    • Build the Task1 project and run stand-alone to be confident that it works correctly.
    • Now, go back to the Executive package, add #include <Task1.h> to Executive.h.
    • Add Task1 t1 as a composed member of the Executive class.
    • Add code in Executive to invoke Task1 processing.
    • Add code in Executive::main to test this new behavior of Executive.
    • Now, for all the remaining application tasks, you repeate the steps above.
    • Congratulations! You're done and can submit your project.
  6. Building Bottom-Up

    • Instead of starting with the Executive package, you decide to start with some low-level task that you know will be needed. The advantage of this is that you can think carefully about the language that package will provide, through its class interface, for higher-level packages to call. However, you need to be confident that you know what to build.
    • You build code structure for this lower-level task package using the same techniques you did for the top-down package design, discussed above.
    • Test the package and modify until you are satisfied that it works correctly and provides the functionality needed by higher-level packages.
    • Build more low-level packages that you know how to build, that don't depend on other code you need to write.
    • Now pick a task that needs just the services of packages you've completed, as above.
    • Implement, #including headers of needed packages you've completed, and add code to use their services. Test until you are satisfied with its functionality and behavior.
    • Keep going up until you reach the Executive. Test the Executive until you are confident that its behavior is correct and that you've met your obligations, as per the Project Statement.
  7. Building Top-Down and Bottom-Up

    • Frequently, I expect, you will find yourself using both styles of implementation - I often do. You may start Top-Down, but realize you need some low-level processing that will be called from several different places in your code. You want to implement that only once, so you stop Top-Down, and focus on the packages you want to use in multiple places, building Bottom-Up.
  8. Advantages of each implementation style

    • Top-Down development usually results in application packages that have well structured dependency relationships. It's natural to think critically about project structure while developing Top-Down.
    • Building Bottom-Up is likely to result in significant code reuse and minimize duplication across the application's code. Also, its natural to focus on the language that each package will provide in ways that make it more reusable.
    • So, it's often effective to use Top-Down development for the upper layers of an application, and bottom-up for the lower layers.

  1. ctrl shift A
  2. #ifndef PACKAGE_NAME
    #define PACKAGE_NAME
    header file contents here
  3. Standard libraries are always included with brackets.
  4. Project headers are always included with quotes.
  5. You will want to pick a more meaningful name than Task1.