Week 9b - Standard Template Library Examples

Composable Containers, itertors, and Algorithms


This lecture is concerned with Example Demos for the Standard Template Library (STL), including its containers, iterators, and algorithms. We will see that callable objects and lambdas are very useful for programs that use the STL.

Glossary of Terms

  1. Help with Projects:

    All code will be developed using C++ and the Standard C++ Library with latest version of Visual Studio .

    Code grade sheet, Grading policy

  2. Synchronous Discussion:

    • Find at least one place in your Project #3 or #4 code that loops through a collection, making modifications or collecting information from the elements. Replace that code with an STL Algorithm that accepts start and end iterators, and a callable object. You define code for the callable object to replace your original operations.
  3. Standard Template Library (STL)

  4. Lecture Take-aways:

    The most important things we discussed today were: