CSE686 - Internet Programming

Lecture #8 - SQL Server Data Models

Web Resources:

Color Lab, Color Codes, HTML tags, Everything HTML, XML, HTML, Scripting, webdeveloper.earthweb, devx..., W3Schools, Web Developer's Virtual Library, World-Wide Web Consortium, WebReference

Resources for This Lecture:

SQL Server

SQL Tutorial - W3Schools,

Simple LINQ Tutorials

LINQ (How Do I in C#), Simple LINQ tutorial, 101 LINQ Samples


links to all of Scott Guthrie's LINQ to SQL tutorials
ScottGu: Using LINQ to SQL, Joins using LINQ to SQL Creating Model Classes with LINQ to SQL
LINQ Tutorial: Mapping Tables to Objects - codeproject, Create many-to-many relationships in LINQ for SQL

Entity Framework

Links to Entity Framework Tutorials
Getting Started with Entity Framework, Entity Framework Quickstart, Creating an Entity Framework Data Model

Asp.Net MVC

Asp.net MVC - MSDN Home, Vijay's Roles Demo
Controllers and Action Methods, Action Filtering, Models and Validation, Passing Data in an Asp.Net MVC Application
Rendering a Form using HTML Helpers, Views and UI Rendering, Walkthrough: Using Templated Helpers, View Calling Multiple Actions, Walkthrough: Using View Templates with Scaffolding Pass QueryString in ActionLink


This lecture continues with Relational Databases and Active Data Objects and focuses on Examples relevant to the Final Project.

  1. Syllabus describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Final Projects:

  3. LINQ:

  4. Relational Database Presentation and Examples:

  5. LINQ to SQL

    Create Database with LINQ

    MvcBooks, Code Folder

    Creating DropDownList in MVC
    I used some of the code described here to populate DropDowns in TestBooksDB. The site has a lot of useful discussion with code snippets.

    Adding Query Strings to ActionLink
    This can occasionally be useful.

    Accessing Data with ADO.NET, .Net Framework 4
    Accessing Data with ADO.NET, .Net Framework 4.5
    Accessing Data with ASP.NET

  6. Interesting things that appeared in Asp.Net MVC 4.0

  7. Relational Database Tutorials:

  8. LINQ to SQL tutorials:

  9. Model Repository:
  10. Asp.Net tutorials and videos - Recommended
  11. ADO Tutorials:
  12. ADO Notes:
  13. Web Services

  14. WCF Service Example:
  15. Lab Assignment #8