Lab Assignment #9 - Final Project

Revised: 3/19/2012
Lab #01 Lab #02 Lab #03 Lab #04 Lab #05 Lab #06
Lab #07 Lab #08 Lab #09 Lab #10 Lab #11 Lab #12

w3schools aspAlliance HTML Reference Lecture #9

image file not found

" Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. "
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


  1. Create a web-api service that uploads an XML file to your site as a single string and saves as a file in an appropriate place.
  2. Display the XML contents in a web page using an XML data island, as shown here:
    Web page with XML Data Island and here Placing content on page with JavaScript

    You can look at the page's source to see how that is done.

How to upload "text/plain" string in Web API
WebApi File Upload - CodeProject, Uploading Files - codeguru

Final Project #1, Final Project #2, Final Project #3