Lab Assignment #3

Revised: 3/21/2011
Lab #01 Lab #02 Lab #03 Lab #04 Lab #05 Lab #06
Lab #07 Lab #08 Lab #09 Lab #10 Lab #11 Lab #12

w3schools aspAlliance HTML Reference Lecture #3

image file not found

" Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. "
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


  1. Write an Asp.Net application that finds all the C# and source files in the current application directory and its subdirectories. Display this information in the body of the Aspx page. You will find the MapPath function useful for this task.
  2. Format the information, found in the item above, into two columns on the page, one for C# files, and one for files, e.g., aspx, and ascx files. please use CSS styling to accomplish this.
  3. Display the last modified file time for the page being viewed, somewhere near the top of the page, embedded in an element with the text: "Revised: ". You will find the fileInfo type useful for this task.