/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AttribLib.h - demonstrates how to use {Developer] attribute // // // // Jim Fawcett, CSE681 - Software Modeling and Analysis, Fall 2004 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build Process: // // Required Files: // AttribLib.h, AttribLib.cpp, Stdafx.h, Stdafx.h, // AssemblyInfo.cpp, AttribDef.dll // // To Build: // - AttribDef.dll needs to be in the AttribLib\debug folder // - build /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma once using namespace System; #using "AttribDef.dll" using namespace AttribDef; namespace AttribLib { [Developer("Jim Fawcett")] public ref class Test { public: String^ say() { String^ pTemp = gcnew String("a test case"); return pTemp; } }; }