
//  BlockingQueue.cs - Thread-safe Queue that blocks dequeuer when empty   //
//  ver 1.1                                                                //
//  Language:     C#, VS 2015                                              //
//  Platform:     Dell Dimension 8900, Windows 10                          //
//  Application:  Demonstration for CSE681 - Software Modeling & Analysis  //
//  Author:       Jim Fawcett, CST 2-187, Syracuse University              //
//                (315) 443-3948,                    //
 *   Package Operations
 *   ------------------
 *   This package implements a generic blocking queue and demonstrates 
 *   communication between two threads using an instance of the queue. 
 *   If the queue is empty when a reader attempts to deQ an item the
 *   reader will block until the writing thread enQs an item.  Thus waiting
 *   is efficient.
 *   NOTE:
 *   This blocking queue is implemented using a Monitor and lock, which is
 *   equivalent to using a condition variable with a lock.
 *   Public Interface
 *   ----------------
 *   BlockingQueue<string> bQ = new BlockingQueue<string>();
 *   bQ.enQ(msg);
 *   string msg = bQ.deQ();
 *   Build Process
 *   -------------
 *   - Required files:   BlockingQueue.cs
 *   - Compiler command: csc BlockingQueue.cs
 *   Maintenance History
 *   -------------------
 *   ver 1.1 : 26 Mar 2017
 *   - minor changes to these comments 
 *   ver 1.0 : 22 Oct 2013
 *   - first release
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
namespace SWTools
  public class BlockingQueue<T>
    private Queue blockingQ;
    object locker_ = new object();
    //----< constructor >--------------------------------------------
    public BlockingQueue()
      blockingQ = new Queue();
    //----< enqueue a string >---------------------------------------
    public void enQ(T msg)
      lock (locker_)  // uses Monitor
    //----< dequeue a T >---------------------------------------
    // Note that the entire deQ operation occurs inside lock.
    // You need a Monitor (or condition variable) to do this.
    public T deQ()
      T msg = default(T);
        while (this.size() == 0)
        msg = (T)blockingQ.Dequeue();
        return msg;
    //----< return number of elements in queue >---------------------
    public int size()
      int count;
      lock (locker_) { count = blockingQ.Count; }
      return count;
    //----< purge elements from queue >------------------------------
    public void clear() 
      lock(locker_) { blockingQ.Clear(); }
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      Console.Write("\n  Testing Monitor-Based Blocking Queue");
      Console.Write("\n ======================================");
      SWTools.BlockingQueue<string> q = new SWTools.BlockingQueue<string>();
      Thread t = new Thread(() =>
        string msg;
        while (true)
          msg = q.deQ(); Console.Write("\n  child thread received {0}", msg);
          if (msg == "quit") break;
      string sendMsg = "msg #";
      for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        string temp = sendMsg + i.ToString();
        Console.Write("\n  main thread sending {0}", temp);