CSE382 - Algorithms and Data Structures

Lecture #2 - Review C++ and C#

Revised: 02 September 2008
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Lecture #01 Lecture #02 Lecture #03 Lecture #04 Lecture #05 Lecture #06 Lecture #07
Lecture #08 Lecture #09 Lecture #10 Lecture #11 Lecture #12 Lecture #13 Lecture #14

Contents Syllabus

Web Resources:

UML XML, HTML Code Project Microsoft Developer's Network DevelopMentor XML Sells Brothers Windows Developer's Journal Windows Forms DotNetJunkies GotDotNet C# Corner Mono Project

Office Hours: Instructor & TAs


This lecture is an introduction to the CSE382 course.
  1. The Syllabus describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Structure of handouts directories, notices page, office hours
  3. Note changes to projects
  4. Project #1, Project #2, Project #3
  5. Review of C# and C++
  6. Programming Tutorials
    C# Tutorial - C# Station
    C# Tutorial - Univ Linz
    C# Tutorial - functionx
    C++ Tutorial - cplusplus
    C++ Tutorial - cprogramming
    C++ Tutorial - java2s
  7. C# versus C++
  8. C# Programmer's Reference
  9. .Net Framework Library
  10. C# Syntax Examples
  11. Survey of C++ Language features:
  12. C++ Survival Guide
    A quick tour of syntax for pointers, references, classes, strings, streams, and vectors.
  13. Today's Lab
  14. Lab #2