Two ways of building an executable from C++ files

Create a compile.bat file that contains one of the statements below:
  1. build using IDE engine from command line:

    devenv mySolution.sln /rebuild debug

  2. build using VC++ compiler from command line:

    cl /DTEST_MYMODULE /EHsc MyModule.cpp

MySolution is the sln file generated by the IDE when you created a solution.
MyModel is the name of a module you want to build.
TEST_MYMODULE is the value of the string in #ifdef xxx preprocessor directive before the module's test stub main function.

You can see all of the options accepted by devenv using the command line command: devenv /?
The options available from the C++ compiler are show with the command line command: cl /?

Note that this assumes that devenv and cl are on your path. If not, you will need to preface them with the full path to their locations. You can find that with start\search in windows.

Executing your project:

Create a run.bat file that runs your executuable, supplying it with all the command line options and file patterns it needs to demonstrate that you meet all project requirements.
  1. myExe.exe /n2 *.h *.cpp