Lab Assignment #7 - SQL Data Model

Revised: 2/29/2012
Lab #01 Lab #02 Lab #03 Lab #04 Lab #05 Lab #06
Lab #07 Lab #08 Lab #09 Lab #10 Lab #11 Lab #12

w3schools aspAlliance HTML Reference Lecture #7

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" Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. "
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


This lab focuses on using a SQL Server database in your final project.
  1. Create a SQL Server database that is designed for one part of your final project with at least two tables and a relationship between them. You may do this using Code First, as demonstrated in class, or you can use the Server Explorer.
  2. Display a View of this data with attributes taken from each table, using Asp.Net Mvc.
  3. Add the ability to add and delete records in the database by interacting with views.
Final Project #1, Final Project #2, Final Project #3