Lab Assignment #14 - Finish Lab Work

Revised: 4/17/2013
Lab #01 Lab #02 Lab #03 Lab #04 Lab #05 Lab #06
Lab #07 Lab #08 Lab #09 Lab #10 Lab #11 Lab #12
Lab #13 Lab #14

w3schools aspAlliance HTML Reference Lecture #12

image file not found

" Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. "
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


  1. Update your page flow diagram and entity relationship diagram - We will look at these during your final demo
  2. Demonstrate all of your ungraded labs to the TAs, then upload to the college server (make sure you select CSE686 in the dropdown menu).
Final Project #1, Final Project #2, Final Project #3