Another Simple HTML Page


This page demonstrates the use of Cascading Style Sheets

The page's color and the color of its links are controlled by the style sheet. The style sheet controls the indenting of text through the use of margins.

This second paragraph has an emphasized item. It also contains an image, around which text is allowed to flow, by using the align attribute inside an <img> tag. Image size is controlled with a width= attribute. The image blends in with the rest of the page because we gave the page the same color as the image background.

We introduce a link back to the first page using the "<a>" tag. In this case we link back to the file EX1.HTM.

Linking to Remote Pages

Linking to remote pages is easy. You just use the page's remote URL instead of a local file name as the href attribute in the <a> tag. We now introduce a link to the Syracuse University home page.

Next, we'll look at lists and tables in the third example. These are found in file EX3.HTM.