First Lab Assignment - Internet Programming

  1. Create a "home" web page for yourself, describing a little bit about who you are. Link this page to an index page, pointing to each of your completed lab exercises. That is, the index page has a list of links to each of your completed exercises. You may wish to use the web links.htm page from the class account as a guide.
  2. Create a web page, with embedded VBScript, that displays two buttons. When either button is clicked, the script should write a message describing which button was selected.
  3. Using images - files with .jpg extension, create a set of linked pages displaying one image per page, with a line of text below the image. center the text and image in their web page. You will find a directory of images on the class account, e.g.,
    \\ecshome1\handouts\fawcett\Internet Programming\images.