Code Artistry - Message Passing Communication

Revised: 09/07/2016 01:14:24

Initial Thoughts:

Communication channels are one of the more challenging software constructs to build. We need them to be flexible, reliable, and fast. A lot of the technical community focuses on communication using a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) model. I don't think that is always a good idea. RPC establishes an interface for communication that provides functions to carry out the application's business. But those functions will likely change with every application; so we find ourselves constantly rebuilding these channels for new projects1.

What we need is an immutable interface that serves well for almost every application, and that's just what Message-Passing Communication (MPC) does. Essentially we move the application specific communication details where it belongs - with the application. The sending application decides how to configure messages with commands, notifications, and data and the receivers decide how to interpret them. The channel simply manages transmission of messages between endpoints with a single call, PostMessage(msg).

That, of course, is not new - it's similar to what networks and the internet do, using HTTP over TCP/IP. A lot of use has shown that to work well. With MPC We can focus on building a reusable channel that takes care of all the issues our particular business needs and we then use it, without change, in most of our projects. We're going to propose a specific architecture for that, based on HTTP like messaging and dispatching to registered communicators, as shown in the diagrams below.


What you see here was developed as a prototype to help students with a project for CSE681 - Software Modeling and Analysis called "The Document Vault". Students were implementing a client and Server system where the server acted as a vault to store documents with associated XML metadata files. The client and server conspire to allow users to navigate through document categories and files in each category. File upload and download are supported along with queries into the text and metadata. We used Windows Communication Foundation (WPF) to communicate across a network, passing messages that specified source, destination, and task to be executed.
Figure 1 - MPC with Active Communicators Concept

The Core Idea:

Messages are passed between active Communicators, as shown in Figure 1. Each Communicator has a blocking queue and child thread that processes messages from its queue and posts messages to other Communicators.

Active Communicators and Dispatchers

An active communicator derives from an AbstractCommunicator class that holds a thread-safe blocking queue and an instance of a thread. When messages arrive the child thread awakes and processes the incoming message. Each concrete Communicator defines message processing according to its mission. It then may send back a reply or request additional processing by another Communicator.

Message routing is based on endpoint and Communicator name, as shown in Figure 2. It is the responsibility of a MessageDispatcher, derived from AbstractMessageDispatcher, to route message according to the message's TargetUrl and TargetCommunicator name. The dispatcher knows about local Communicators that have registered their name and reference. Unknow destinations go to the Sender Communicator. Sender's look at the TargetUrl and connect when needed.

Each communicator registers with the dispatcher at startup. All messages from the communication channel are posted by the Receiver to the dispatcher for routing to their target destinations. Senders and Receivers encapsulate channel processing so the Client and Server developers don't have to deal with those details.

Figure 2 - Document Vault Demo using Message Dispatching in the Server


In this design each endpoint has both a sender and receiver that encapsulate the communication channel proxy and stub. The sender is a communicator dedicated to sending messages over the communication channel. Receivers are thin wrappers around a concrete MessageDispatcher. This structure allows users of the channel to ignore all its internal details. Clients and Servers simply post messages to senders and register communicators with a receiver.

Communicators pass each other messages by posting to the target's message queue. But this isn't done directly. Instead, we use a dispatching mediator, as shown in Figure 2. This allows the server functionality to be extended by plugging in a new communicator. We simply create the code for a new communicator, register it with the VaultDispatcher, and clients can immediately start to use the new capability. It's a very flexible configuration that makes it easy to build client and server functionality incrementally and to maintain the software after it's been deployed.

For this project we want the clients and server to each be able to send and receive messages. Each client passes requests to the server and the server will work off all requests pending from possibly multiple concurrent clients by dispatching them to the target communicator named in the message. That means that the server supports concurrent processing for its clients and will respond with results when ready.

When a communicator has completed its processing task it may swap source and destination markup in the message and post to the dispatcher's queue to return to the appropriate endpoint. Alternately it may name another server-side communicator for additional processing. If the target specified in a message sent to the dispatcher is not registered with the dispatcher the dispatcher posts it to the sender to go back to the appropriate client. The sender inspects the message destination and connects to that endpoint for delivery.

If we configure our endpoints to have both sending and receiving capbility, then notification requires no additional infrastructure. Notifications are just another kind of message we send using the existing channel facilities.

While we have very little Client processing in this demo the Client's Receiver contains a MessageDispatcher so we can add additional functionality to the client in increments without causing any breakage in the rest of its code; this due to the plug-in nature of the design.

Figure 3 - Client and Server Activities

Client and Server Activities:

Figure 3 illustrates the flow of activities during client to server transactions. On startup the VaultClient sends a message to the DocumentVault server requesting a list of its document categories, which the server interprets, processes, and returns a reply containing the category list. The Client interprets the reply and constructs a navigation view showing the document categories and waits for the user to click on a category to get a list of its files. This same flow results from each user action until the user shuts down the client.
Figure 4 - Client and Server Packages

Client and Server Packages:

Figure 4 presents the package structure of the Demo - actually, the Demo does not provide a GUI, but since this is probably the first incremental improvement to make we show it in the diagram. A finished system has essentially the same structure, only with additional Communicators for additional system functionalities. On the Client, for example, there is likely to be a communicator for each of several views for navigation, query results, file handling, etc.

Note that each of the Communicators is likely to have a few subservient packages, not shown, to help it carry out its assigned tasks.

Figure 5 - Logical Structure of the Document Vault Demo

Message Handling Infrastructure:

Figure 5 shows the logical design used by the demo to support communication and dispatching. The core part is the AbstractCommunictor class that holds a thread-safe blocking queue and thread as non-static members. So each derived Communicator inherits its own instance of those parts. The AbstractMessageDispatcher derives from AbstractCommunicator and holds a Dictionary with Name strings as keys and values of references to Communicators. The dictionary sees these values as implementers of the IComm interface with the single method void PostMessage(Message msg).

This is all the machinery needed to route messages to any local Communicator by name. Any message with name the Dispatcher doesn't recognize gets sent back to its originator, using the Sender Communicator. Note that you have to be careful that messages with names that aren't recognized on either end don't circulate continuously between endpoints.

Figure 6 - Demo Output

Typical Output:

Demo output is presented in Figure 6, which shows message flow from the client to server and replies coming back. If you look closely at the output you will see the message structure used by the demo. Note that it is easy to change the message content structure without breaking any of the message handling. All you have to do is preserve the source and destination information you see in the message content display.

Source Code:

This Message-Passing Demo is written in C# using Visual Studio 2012 and compiles and runs using Visual Studio 2013 as well. The CSE687 - Object Oriented Design class, Spring 2014, will implement something like this in C++ to do experiments with server performance.
Message-Passing Demo Code
This code bears a copyright © that grants all rights to users except the right to publish and requires retention of the copyright notice.


The Message-Passing Demo was used in Fall 2013 by many of the 117 students in CSE681 - Software Modeling and Analysis as the basis for their Project #4 - Document Vault implementation. The demo was quite straight forward to implement using an existing blocking queue and the .Net Thread class. That took one day to rough in and another couple of days to polish before posting for the class to use.

  1. The reusability argument for message-passing systems is not as strong as it might appear here. RPC systems can be designed to be relatively easy to reuse.

    Microsoft's Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides great configurability of transport mechanisms and remote object activation. A company can decide on the transport and endpoint model it wants to support for its products with an XML configuration file. Then each new project defines the communication service with an annotated ServiceContract and DataContracts, implemented with ordinary C# classes, usually in a very small amount of code.

    Another example is the Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE), developed by Douglas Schmidt and his students. i've only perused the ace documentation, so i can't speak authoritatively about ace, but note that it is a widely used framework for building communication middleware.

    The primary reason for using something like the mediated Active Communiators, discussed above, is that, unlike WCF - a Windows only technology, it is easily made cross platform by writing in C++ or Java. ACE, on the otherhand, is cross platform, but requires a substantial investment in learning, acquiring, setting up, and maintaining the communication infrastructure. Active Communicators are simple, implemented in a small set of packages.

