Lecture #14 - Windows Presentation Foundation

Concepts and Example Code

Revised: 10/21/2018 21:30:59

Web Resourses:


This lecture introduces Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), a Graphical User Interface technology that replaces WinForms. Its programming model seems, at first, to be similar to the WinForms model, but in fact its technology is a radical departure from all prior Microsoft GUI frameworks.
The WPF programming model is much closer to web presentation technologies, using markup and event handlers.
The class text does not cover WPF but this
WPF Tutorial
is a good place to start.
  1. The Syllabus describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Projects:

    Project #2, Project #3, Project #4, Project3HelpF2018, Project4HelpF2018 Instructor's Solution for Project #2
  3. Project #4 Help:

    Remember that you need to run Visual Studio as Administrator for all WCF Projects.
  4. XML Serialization
  5. Submitting Projects
  6. SVG demo

    This demo works with Chrome, FireFox, Edge, and IE11. It does not work with IE8 and earlier. SVG demo, SVG demo folder
    HTML5 demo
  7. WPF Presentation

  8. WPF Tutorials:

  9. Demo code samples

  10. Microsoft WPF Samples
  11. WPFpedia.com Samples
copyright © Jim Fawcett, 2018     Page Revised: 10/21/2018 21:30:59