About Web Site:

This web site contains some information about my reasearch interests and I am planning to post my progrss during my research on this web site. I will be posting results that I get from my research and papers that I publish and all other related contents.

Research Interests:

I am interested in restructuring of, possibly large, software systems by extracting classes and functions, inserting interfaces and repacking source code. Most of my reasearch is based on static analysis of source code.

For small software systems, perhaps a few thousand lines of code, software structure is largely an esthetic issue. We want to build small neat structures out of professional pride. We would like readers of our code to find our intents clear and the code behavior obvious. When software systems grow large, perhaps a million or more lines of source code, its structure becomes much more important. Developing a large system requires teams of developers working in concert to provide a finished product in a reasonable amount of time. That means that many people will read each component of our code - all those who's code depends on ours, quality assurance personnel, and our team leads, charged with meeting schedules with quality products.

I am currently working on a class reastructuring technique using program slicing and graph theory.

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