Migration Report - threadDemo1



Solution and projects


threadDemo1.csproj: Your project is targeting .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0. If your project uses assemblies requiring a newer .NET Framework, your project will fail to build. You can change the .NET Framework version by clicking Properties on the project menu and then selecting a new version in the '.NET Framework' dropdown box. (In Visual Basic, this is located on the Compile tab by clicking the 'Advanced Compiler Options...' button.)
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threadDemo1.csproj: Project file successfully backed up as Z:\handouts\CSE681\code\threadDemo\Backup\threadDemo1.csproj
threadDemo1.csproj.user: Project user file successfully backed up as Z:\handouts\CSE681\code\threadDemo\Backup\threadDemo1.csproj.user
AssemblyInfo.cs: File successfully backed up as Z:\handouts\CSE681\code\threadDemo\Backup\AssemblyInfo.cs
Form1.cs: File successfully backed up as Z:\handouts\CSE681\code\threadDemo\Backup\Form1.cs
App.ico: File successfully backed up as Z:\handouts\CSE681\code\threadDemo\Backup\App.ico
Form1.resx: File successfully backed up as Z:\handouts\CSE681\code\threadDemo\Backup\Form1.resx
threadDemo1.csproj: Project migrated successfully
threadDemo1.csproj: Scan complete: Migration not required for project files.
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threadDemo1.sln: Visual Studio needs to make non-functional changes to this project in order to enable the project to open in Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without impacting project behavior.
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threadDemo1.sln: File successfully backed up as Z:\handouts\CSE681\code\threadDemo\Backup\threadDemo1.sln
threadDemo1.v12.suo: File successfully backed up as Z:\handouts\CSE681\code\threadDemo\Backup\threadDemo1.v12.suo
threadDemo1.sln: Solution migrated successfully
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