Week #5 - Common Language Runtime (CLR)

App Domains, Contexts, Interception

Web Resources:


This lecture is concerned with Projects and Common Language Runtime (CLR) related topics.

Web Resourses:

  1. The Syllabus describes topics to be covered, reading material for you to digest before coming to class, and due dates for the assigned projects.
  2. Projects:

    Project #3, Project #4, Project #5


    Mediator based Dispatcher: Class Diagram, Object Diagram
    This flexible design for server functionality is more than needed for Project #4.

  3. CLR Related Topics:

    TestHarness processing, used in the Software Collaboration Federation TestHarness Server uses a plug-in architecture that depends on some interesting CLR functionality. Here's a reasonable test harness structure:

    Test Harness Structure, vsdx
    Test Harness Activities, vsdx

    Here's a simple demonstration of a plugin architecture that we will build on to create the TestHarness:

    Plugin Demo