CSE681 - Software Modeling & Analysis

Lecture #20 - Midterm Examination

Web Resources:

UML XML, HTML Code Project Microsoft Developer's Network DevelopMentor XML Sells Brothers Windows Developer's Journal WindowsClient.net DotNetJunkies dotnet quickstart tutorials C# Corner Mono Project Performance Counters

This lecture is devoted entirely to the Midterm Examination

  1. Starting in the second row, please fill all seats - no empty seats between you and the persons to either side.
  2. Place your bag under your desk.
  3. Silence your cellphones and place in your bag. If you use a cellphone you've just finished the exam.
  4. Nothing on your desk except the exam packet which will be given to you, your one page of notes, pencils, pens, and magnifying glass. You don't need, and won't be allowed, extra paper.
  5. If you have a question raise your hand. I will come to you. Do not leave your seat.